Affording real designer furniture can be a strain on the budget. This is why buying replica furniture can give a space a fantastic designer look without eating major holes in the pocketbook. Popular designs like the Eero Aarnio ball chair can now be placed in homes for both utility and a designer aesthetic.
People sometimes think replica furniture will be a poor imitation of the original with even less quality. However, this is not the case. In popular pieces, many retailers will offer a good, better, and best option for the replica depending on what the budget is for the furniture shopper.
There are also high quality replicas that have the same design, quality, and comfort as the original, but are manufactured in a different country to make them more affordable to the mass market. For example, the Eero Aarnio designs were made in Finland, but are manufactured by local United Kingdom companies in order to make them affordable and benefit the economy.
Part of why it is so important to buy local furniture is because of manufacturing. Furniture made locally must adhere to British safety regulations and quality standards. Not only that, furniture made in the country supports local artisans worker. Designers have the opportunity to gain recognition, hone their craft, and hold their career.
Buying local means consumers do not have to worry about their furniture breaking down prematurely. Furniture built in the country will last longer than furniture produced by China or other large manufacturing countries. Besides, buying local means any furniture a consumer orders will be promptly delivered. There will be no weeks of long waiting for furniture deliveries.
Thanks to their appearance in the Finnair Lounge at the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport, the ball chair design by Eero Aarnio is gaining popularity. Many furniture manufacturers are now creating replicas of this famous design at an affordable price for all consumers.
Eero Aarnio was one of the first designers to initiate modern designs. His furniture designs are creative and fashionable, as evidenced with the ball chair. Aarnio's ideas and innovations in plastic chair designs are his talent.
Aarnio played with geometric designs to create new shapes of chairs and tables. Plastic and fiberglass were used in original designs, along with the inclusion of wood and steel frames to perfect the designs.
The desire to create the best quality design led Aarnio to furniture design while in school at in Helsinki. Aarnio was trained as an interior and industrial designer but focused creative ideas through experimenting with plastic materials. Originally his designs were traditional with contemporary themes, using natural materials to cushion his design.
The ball chair was designed in 1966 and took off like wildfire. New York Times described the design as the most comfortable chair. The hollowed out chair was innovative, using globular plastic creatively fortified with a transparent fiberglass surface. This gives the ball chair the amazing futuristic appearance.
Critics disliked the use of fiberglass as a material. It makes the ball chair unsafe to manufacture. Aarnio had to seek alternatives to fiberglass in future design projects. Instead, Aarnio began to use safer plastics in his design work. After the ball chair premiered, he gained popularity and recognition worldwide.
The ball chair motivated him and inspired many future designs. Following the ball chair, Aarnio designed the pastil chair and the bubble chair, all which received great acclaim. Now, Aarnio's designs are more of a reflection of the past.
Furniture companies recreate the Eero Aarnio ball chair to meet demand for this funky and character-filled furniture piece. Furniture companies work hard to manufacture exact replicas of the famous ball charge, using safer plastic materials other than the original fiberglass design.
Star Design UK is a UK family business established in 2005. Star Design UK prides itself on stocking furniture that is only from a verified supplier in the United Kingdom. All products are manufactured to British standards and safety regulations. Bauhaus only sells and advertises furniture in their stocks or their manufacturer stocks. This allows deliveries to be made promptly. We provides high quality reproductions of classic designer furniture. The details of the original design are not lost, ensuring the replica is as timeless as the original. Star Design UK is high quality at the most affordable and competitive prices in the UK